06 Mar

In my previous blog, I touched on the importance of Instagram and how brands are using the platform to market their products with celebrities and influencers. As influencers have started to take up a lot of what is on our Instagram feed, the rise of marketing ourselves is also getting in the picture. Even though we might not own a business or brand, we still have a way to market ourselves in ways that gets people's attention and creates a brand for ourselves. It's not hard, but it takes consistency, creativity and patience. These are just four tips on how to start marketing yourself / your brand:

Tip 1: Post quality content

The quality of the photos and videos that you can post on Instagram has definitely gotten better over the years. I can remember back when the only filters were orange tinted vintage borders and grain. Now, the I'phone cameras are better and there's over 100 editing apps that can make your photos pretty. Some of those editing apps include, VSCO, Snapseed, Lightroom, and AfterLight. If the photo is easy to look at, your followers will stop, take a look, and most likely engage with you. What is also important is what exactly is the picture of? Based on what you're into and the type of followers you have, your content will be different each time. Your followers follow you for a reason so if you keep posting content that relates to you and what you are passionate about, you are to get your followers attention. 

Tip 2: Be engaging with your followers too!

While your goal is mostly to get engagement from your followers, you have to do the work too! You can't just wait for people to like, comment and watch your content if you're not engaging as well. Some examples of engaging consistently with your followers is liking their comments on your photos and commenting back! You can also go on people's Instagram accounts and like their content as well. After liking them you can comment on their photos which will not only allow them to feel more connected to you but it will make your name known. Another way to be more engaging is creating polls and Q&A’s on your Instagram stories every once in a while. This way you can ask what they want to see and some advice. The last way you can engage is by going on IG Live, where you can interact with your followers by speaking to them and answering questions live. Engagement is always a two way street with you and your favorite followers. 

Tip 3: Use Geotags and Hashtags

It might sound a little weird to add your location to a specific photo but it is actually shocking how much more engagement it can get you. Whenever you visit a location and post a photo, don't forget to add your location so other people can see it. On Instagram, users are able to explore photos using a specific location which explains how your photo could get more engagement while doing so. This could also be beneficial while attending an event that you know a lot of people will attend. You could also add hashtags to your photos. You can add them under your photo so people can see it when they look them up. The hashtags can include anything from what's in the photo to your location. There is also an option on Instagram that allows users to search things up by hashtags (which I’ve definitely done), that can help find things easier that interests us. Both of these are simple tips but very beneficial. 


The most important tip in my opinion is to be yourself. Nobody likes someone who puts up a mask or isn't truthful. The best kind of people who get the most engagement are the people who are  not afraid to be themselves and show everything that they are. This is because of one simple answer; people like to relate to others, it's in our DNA. When we see someone who is like us, who enjoys what we enjoy,  and who is passionate about the same things we are, we feel connected. Making a brand out of yourself will be difficult if you try to portray yourself as someone who you are not, so why not be confident and show people exactly who you are? A Lot of people just post their products and maybe some motivational quotes but never anything specifically about themselves. People love knowing that the person behind the screen is a real human with real feelings and real experiences. Be confident and work it!

Now that I've given you some tips, try implementing them and track your progress! These are just simple ways to connect with your followers while also growing your engagement for your personal brand. Amidst of all the numbers we can forget about the genuine purpose of our actions so don't forget to stay true to yourself!

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