13 Mar

As we all most likely know, there has been a global spread of the Covid-19 virus. This virus has stopped businesses all over the world that has left companies and employees struggling. Good news is, you can support yourself from the comfort and safety of your home. 

1.  Buy Online

Most of us are already pros at this but let it be a reminder! Online shopping is one of the best things you can do right now to support local businesses. This could possibly be something new local businesses are trying so they most definitely need your help right now. Each business has their own guidelines when it comes to the products they have online. The best thing you can do is take a look on their website and see what they have to offer during these times in order to help them out!

2.  Good Reviews

Another tip in helping out your local business during a pandemic is supporting and leaving good reviews on their pages. If you don't have the financial means to support a local business, a sweet comment will do just as much! Spreading good word to your friends and family about these local businesses can do wonders in times like these. You can also use social media to let the business know that you’re still their #1 supporters. These are times when local businesses will need the most encouragement and support!

3. Tip More

This is something that food service workers will be forever thankful for; tips. Delivery workers are the most vulnerable during these times as they go back and forth between trips. Most of them also only get paid minimum wage so this is an opportunity to at least tip 40% or more whenever you order take out. It is also better if you order takeout at the actual restaurant just so food delivery fees are lower for the food service workers. Doing your part in simply tipping  a bit more (if you’re able to) will help someone better support themselves. 

4. Buy Gift Cards

This one could sound funny but it is actually one of the most helpful. Purchasing a gift card could help you remember to take a trip to your favorite local business when the crisis ends. Purchasing a gift card beforehand can help with cashflow when the businesses need it the most. You can also get them for family and friends so they are able to head on over to their favorite local spot as soon as they are able to! Some businesses are accessible in the way that you can pay for the gift cards online in case you don't feel safe heading out to the location. 

5. Keep Paying

The last tip only applies to those who have hired cleaners, house cleaners, dog walkers, or anyone who consistently works for you at home. If you’re able to afford them without the pandemic, you can put in effort to still pay them during the crisis. The could be the only job the worker has so they're entirely relying on clients like you who are still able to pay them. There's no doubt in my mind that these workers would be completely grateful for your generosity in helping them provide for their families. 

These times are hard for everyone when it comes to finances and stability, but these are just some suggestions if you've been wondering how to continue to support your local business. These businesses work hard to not only provide but to make YOU happy! Be aware and conscious of them in these moments and don't forget to give your lending hand once in a while! 

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